Ooooohhhhhh, nearly there. So excited!
Next Sunday at, starting at 10am, we will kick off the season. Tomorrow the last Tuesday night session at 6pm but the water tower, for those keen for a little pre-season touch rugby.
A date for your diary, is for next year's rugby tour. It will involve the minis and will be a little bit of rugby and a lot of fun and outside activities.
We're all booked up with Morfa Bay for weekend of 11-13 April -
There will be more information coming out very soon, but it is an outdoors activity centre. I just wanted to try to give as much notice as possible.
As well as this, I would really like to have a road trip/ mini tour to play rugby at a venue TBC (a couple of hours away) and will work with various contacts to plan this, just for the Under 10s, after the success of the Newcastle tour.
On Sunday, there will be registration and again I would like to thank Helen Burgess for putting up her hand to lead the admin of the Under 10s. Much appreciated. This will really allow the coaches - Mike, Matt, Jim, Rob, Charlie, Etienne and myself, to really plan for a great year on the pitch.
Freya will also be in the club on the Sunday morning to assist with registration. We will need to get information about the players and Helen, I think that I am right in saying that we will need (2?) photos of the players to complete the RFU registration, if they are new. If you are able to confirm this, I would be very grateful.
The first four weeks of the season are designed to incorporate the players who are new to the game and there are no games, just training.
Shirts are available on a second hand stall at various times and would recommend this as a source of kit. It would be good to have boots and I would look at ebay while they are growing so fast. Football boots are fine. I get laughed at for this, but I always wear shin guards and the shoulder pads really give the young players confidence in the tackle. Again ebay is a good source.
ABSOLUTELY VITAL AND NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE - What they do need is a gum shield. Without it they cannot play.
I recommend this one- and you do get what you pay for.
I recommend that you tie the gum shield box to your child's rugby bag and then after rugby ask them about 20 times, whether they have put it back in the box, tied to the bag. They absolutely will leave their gum shields in their shorts pocket and the washing machine fundamentally changes their shape.
Definitely make sure that all kit has name tags or at least a name written somewhere in the shirt and any other kit they bring. Kit is left all the time. It is always found and if it is named, you will get it back. If it is really wet, I also recommend that you put a bin bag in your glove box. Then a hole in the top and the sides means your car seats remain mud free. Finally, do not forget to try Nick and Lisa's food at the club, it is delicious and good quality. They also sell curry and chilli if you provide the freezer boxes. During the season we stock up and it is a great mid week time saver. Conceptwear is the Mini and Junior kit supplier. Their website is:
Training goes on until 12.30, with really good food available for all, during and after training.
If you are concerned about this or have any kit questions, please let me know.
Finally, we are going to try to use the website -
If you could have a look, register etc, then I will try to use this as a go to place for information, fixtures and latest news. Any photos would be really gratefully received. Also match reports, as well as for the website, can also be sent in, to the coaches, who will get them into the Evening post, if received by Monday.
There is also a Facebook page, snappily called "Old Bristolians RFC Team for players born between Sept 2003 and Aug 2004". If you would like to join, please click join and I will get the request and accept, as it is a closed group.
Crickey, I think that is most everything. Thanks very much and I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday.